The purpose of the course is to introduce the students to emerging issues in bioethics and the law. This course will examine the legal, ethical, and policy aspects of current controversies in health care and biomedical and behavioral research. Special attention will be given to the legal, ethical, and social issues relating to human subjects research and informed consent to research; refusal of care, death and dying; organ and tissue donation and transplantation; reproduction, abortion, fertility, and assisted reproduction; cloning and stem cell research (stemethics); genetics (genethics); and neuroscience (neuroethics), among other topics. Objectives of this course include: (1) learning how to apply traditional principles of bioethics, including autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice; (2) understanding other approaches to bioethics, including casuistry, virtue ethics, and feminist ethics; and (3) learning how to approach issues in health care and human subjects research from both legal and ethical perspectives.
