This course will examine the roles and responsibilities of federal courts in the operation of our system of government. Particular attention will be paid to separation of powers, federalism, and Article III of decision making. Thus, the focus will be on the relationship (1) between federal courts and coordinate branches of the federal government; (2) between federal courts and organs of state government, especially state courts; and (3) among federal courts. Topics include choice of law in the federal court and the development of federal common law; the power of Congress to regulate jurisdiction; Supreme Court review of state court judgments; federal habeas corpus; the federal question jurisdiction, including limitations on its exercise; and topics concerning the Civil Rights Act, 42 U.S.C. ?1983. Attention will also be given to various doctrines that limit federal jurisdiction in constitutional litigation against states (the abstention and sovereign immunity doctrines, and limitations on federal injunctions against state proceedings). This is an advanced course in public law, judicial administration, and constitutional and civil rights litigation.
