In the United States, women's health status is a product of biological and structural conditions. In this course, we will examine the interconnection between biology and societal structure by focusing on women's health and criminal law. This seminar will permit students to address in depth, both through a paper and through classroom presentation, any one of a broad range of topics dealing with the intersection of women's lives, women's health and the criminal law. The first part of the class will be run in a class discussion format, growing out of extensive reading assignments. These readings and discussions will build the foundation for the course. Then, the class sessions will be led by individual students who will assign readings they've chosen from their bibliographies and will make a presentation based upon their chosen subject. Each student will be required to submit the following during the semester: 1) an outline of an assigned article 2) a topic statement, brief outline and preliminary bibliography 3) an extended outline 4) full draft of final paper 5) the final paper. This will be a lecture/discussion course and I will utilize either a panel method or Socratic method to ensure student participation. The student's grade will be determined by class participation, a final paper and class presentation.
