Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Transformational School Leadership—Online
The Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Transformational School Leadership program prepares individuals to assume leadership positions and serve as a change agent within their own institution and neighboring communities by applying leading-edge research, leadership principles and technology to improve education, and ultimately, student learning in schools. Transformational leaders are mission driven, stimulate action, innovation, change and progress within a system of respect, trust and deliberate practice. A transformational leader creates positive momentum in the way we live and work together; providing a collaborative invitation to develop a set of beliefs and a vision for how we perceive and make sense of the world, promote social justice, equity and drive desired outcomes.
The doctoral program requires completion of a minimum of 60 credits beyond the master’s degree, including 9 credits of research and 12 credits of dissertation work.
Doctor of Education (60 credits)
Required Courses (60 credits)