Articulation Agreement Between Barry University and the Florida Community College System

In the Spring of 1993 Barry University and the Florida State Board of Community Colleges entered into an agreement which governs the matriculation at Barry University of Associate of Arts graduates from the Florida Community College system. Information regarding transferring credits between Florida’s colleges and universities may be found at

Advanced Placement (AP)

The Advanced Placement Program, a program sponsored by the College Entrance Examination Board, provides for the establishment of college-level courses in secondary schools. Students who take such a course or courses may then take special examinations prepared by the College Entrance Examination Board.

Credit for Advanced Placement examinations is based on the one-year AP experience. Credit is given only in cases of scores of 3 or better. French, Spanish, General Chemistry, and Physics must be passed with a score of 4 or more. Credit varies from three to eight semester hours, depending on equivalencies available at Barry University. A list of equivalencies can be obtained from the Department of Recruitment and Admissions. Advanced Placement credit cannot be duplicated either in regular courses or through CLEP, the College Level Examination Program. Credits are accepted on a credit/no credit basis. A maximum of 30 credits will be accepted through the Advanced Placement Program. Barry University will accept a total of 30 credits from all testing programs.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

All CLEP credits must be earned prior to a student achieving junior status at Barry University (60 credit hours). For new applicants, the award of CLEP credit is made by the Office of Admissions; for enrolled students, the award of credit is processed through the Office of the Registrar. All CLEP credit is accepted on a credit/no credit basis. A maximum of 30 credits will be accepted through CLEP. Barry University will accept a total of 30 credits from all testing programs.

Credit will not be awarded in cases of duplication, nor will equivalencies be changed to remedy such duplication. CLEP credit will not supersede earned college credit. CLEP credits in any one discipline may not exceed six.