Career Development Center

The purpose of Career Development is to empower students and alumni to take personal responsibility for their lifelong career development. The overall goal is to challenge every student to examine their values, interest, skills, and abilities, and to define his or her life in terms of vocation by providing opportunities for students to:

LEARN about themselves and the needs of society.

REFLECT on who they are in relation to the needs of society and their role in it.

SERVE the community while finding purpose in their lives.

The following services are offered in an effort to give students a transformative education in their career development:

  1. Career Counseling
  2. Career Assessments
  3. Resume and Cover Letter Assistance
  4. Job Searching Assistance
  5. Interview Preparation & Mock Interview
  6. Graduate and Professional School Application Assistance
  7. ORI 300 -  Career Readiness Course
  8. Career Readiness Certification 

In addition to the above services, Career Development also collaborates with faculty and staff as well as local and global businesses and organizations to host the following events:

  • Part-Time Job & Internship Fair
  • Major and Minor Fair
  • Discover Your Calling Workshops
  • Graduate School Fair
  • Industry Specific Career Fairs
  • On Campus Interview Opportunities
  • Job Shadowing Events
  • Employer Information Sessions
  • Mentoring and Networking Opportunities
  • “Careers in Panels”

The Career Development encourages each student to take personal responsibility to utilize the services provided to explore their calling, and develop his or her career planning skills from freshman through senior year and beyond. Career counseling is available on an appointment basis. In order to serve all students,appointment can be in person, via phone or WebEx.