Standards of Academic Progress

Satisfactory academic progress will be reviewed at the end of every semester.

Barry University, in compliance with federal regulations, has established the following standards of academic progress (SAP) that must be met to receive federal financial aid. To maintain financial aid eligibility, a student must be making satisfactory progress towards a degree. Satisfactory progress is determined by both a qualitative and a pace measurement.

Qualitative Component: (Cumulative Grade Point Average)

All Barry University students must meet and maintain the cumulative grade point average (GPA) required by the university for continued eligibility to enroll and graduate.

Undergraduate students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0.

PACE Component: (Maximum Time Frame and Completion Ratio)

Students must complete their education program within a maximum time frame (measured by attempted credit hours) and must earn (receive a passing grade) a minimum percentage of all attempted credit hours. The time frame for undergraduate students cannot exceed 150 percent of the published length of the academic program. The published length of the academic program is the minimum number of credit hours required to earn a degree.

To complete the degree requirements for graduation within the maximum time limit and to be considered as having made SAP, a student should successfully complete 67 percent of all credit hours attempted.

The maximum timeframe for students to finish their degree will be verified at the end of each semester to ensure compliance toward graduation and to monitor the student’s SAP.

Understanding Satisfactory Progress

Attempted Credit Hours

Attempted credits include any hours for which a student is registered for at the conclusion of the relevant drop/add period. Any attempted credits that are canceled and removed from a student’s transcript (e.g., via withdrawal) are still considered attempted credits for purposes of determining financial aid eligibility under this policy. Attempted credits include all grades, including “F,” “IP,” “I,” “NC,” and “W”.

Withdrawals: Grades of “W” given after the add/drop period are considered attempted credits for purposes of determining financial aid eligibility under this policy.

Incomplete Grades: Credits earned in a course for which an “I” grade was initially assigned, and for which a satisfactory grade is then replaced, count as earned credits. Grades of “CR” credit are considered satisfactory grades under this policy. If a student is required to repeat a course, the repeated course is counted toward the number of attempted credits.

Transfer Credit Hours/CLEP/Study Abroad/AP Credits: Credits accepted by Barry University for a degree program do count as attempted and earned credits for SAP purposes. Audited courses are not counted as attempted credits.

Change of Major: Some courses from the previous major can be accepted as electives into the new major. These courses count as attempted and earned credits for SAP purposes.

Satisfactory Academic Progress Review

The Financial Aid Office will review satisfactory academic progress for financial aid recipients at the end of each semester.

This policy is applicable to all undergraduate students receiving federal financial aid.

If a student is not making satisfactory academic progress at the end of the semester, the student will be notified in writing and placed on financial aid warning for one semester. Federal aid will be disbursed, but at the end of that semester, the Financial Aid Office will review the student academic record and termination actions will be taken if satisfactory academic progress has not been met. If federal student aid is terminated, notification will be sent concerning the appeal process.

Warning Status

The first time that a student does not meet the required completion percentage or cumulative grade point average, the student will be placed on financial aid warning. The student will retain federal financial aid eligibility.

Termination Status

The student will not be eligible to receive any federal, state, or Institutional financial aid, even if the student is permitted to continue enrollment at Barry University.

Regaining Eligibility After Financial Aid Termination

Students who have become ineligible to receive financial aid may regain eligibility in the following ways:

  • Attempt credits without financial aid until you meet all minimum SAP standards.
  • Appeal the termination status.

Please note that a warning status is not subject to appeal.

Appeal Procedure

If there are extenuating circumstances which prevented the student from maintaining the standards of academic progress, an appeal may be filed. A University Satisfactory Academic Progress appeal form must be submitted via the Financial Aid Portal, along with supporting documentation.

  • Submit in writing an explanation of why he/she was unable to meet or maintain the academic progress requirements, describing the emergency circumstance and its impact on the student's performance. The student must also explain how the extenuating circumstance has been resolved so that future academic work will not be impacted.
  • Submit documentation that substantiates the described circumstances. For example, if medical reasons are cited, a letter from a doctor or documentation of hospital visits may be provided. Documentation will vary depending on the circumstance, and may include (but is not limited to): bills incurred due to the emergency, police reports, divorce documents, or obituaries/death certificates.

All appeals should be submitted via the Financial Aid Portal, no later than 60 calendar days from the start of the semester following SAP termination. Decisions are based on the information provided by the student and a review of the student’s academic record. All decisions made by the appeal committee are final.