Professional Discounts Provided by the University

Nurses: Reductions to tuition are available for some nursing programs; please refer to the program website or contact the program of your interest.

Clergy/Religious: Full-time clergy members of religious communities are entitled to a reduction on tuition. Proof of affiliation is required at each registration.


  • Various tuition discounts exist in other schools of the University. Please inquire within each school for details.
  • These discounts do not apply if tuition is paid through a grant or other subsidy, nor do they apply to discounted tuition, or to programs with special rates.
  • These discounts are not applied retroactively.

Student Account Payment Agreement

I (student) agree that if I default on my payments, the entire balance will become immediately due and payable.

I agree to pay the full balance due plus any late payment fees.

I understand that delinquency may result in assignment to a collection agency, an attorney, or both.

I agree to reimburse the fees of any collection agency, which may be based on a percentage at a minimum of 33⅓ percent of the debt, and all costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, which the university incurs in such collection efforts.

If I default on this debt I authorize Barry University to disclose any relevant information to credit bureau organizations and collection agencies, and further authorize Barry to contact my employer.

I further agree to waive demand, notice of non-payment, and protest.