Fire Minimum Standards Curriculum

Fire Minimum Standards


This is a 6-month, 492 contact or clock hour training course leading to a Certificate of Completion. The course, approved by the State of Florida’s Fire College, provides preparation for the Firefighter certification exam and has been designed to meet the requirements of the State of Florida. The course will meet the JPR’s of NFPA 1001 Standard for Fire Fighter Professional Qualifications, 2019 edition.

The Hazardous Materials component of the course must meet or exceed NFPA 472 Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction. The course will present the history of the fire service, firefighter safety and health, communications, building construction, the science of fire, PPE, fire extinguishers, ropes and knots, search and rescue, vehicle extrication and technical rescue, ladders, ventilation, water supply, hose handling, fire streams and fire control, salvage and overhaul, information on fire department communications, building hazards and structural collapse, maintenance of electric generators and lighting equipment, service testing fire hose, firefighting foam, coordinating fire ground operations, advanced origin and cause, fire protection systems, conducting private dwelling fire safety surveys,

Florida Statewide Emergency Response Plan (SERP), air monitoring, new challenges for firefighters, firefighter safety and survival, as well as fire and life safety initiatives.

FFP-110 Firefighter 1

Firefighter Minimum Standards I: The Hazardous Materials component of the course must meet or exceed NFPA 472 Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction for Awareness (ERG). The course will present ICS-100 and ICS-700, Orientation, the History of the Fire Service, Firefighter Safety and Health, Firefighter Injuries and Fatalities, Mental Health and PTSD, Cancer, Communications, Building Construction, the Science of Fire, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Fire Extinguishers, Ropes and Knots, Search and Rescue, Ladders, Ventilation, Water Supply, Hose Handling, Fire Streams and Fire Control, Salvage and Overhaul, Maintenance of Ladders, Hose, SCBA, and Electric Generators and Lighting Equipment, Service Testing Fire Hose, Coordinating Fire Ground Operations, Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA), Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Scene Safety, Forcible Entry, Live Fire, Restricted Passages, Personnel Accountability Systems, Emergency Evacuation Procedures, Florida Statewide Emergency Response Plan (SERP), Wildland Firefighting (FL130FL190/FL180), as well as Fire and Life Safety Initiatives and Testing. FFP-110 is 191 clock hours.

FFP-210 Firefighter 2

Firefighter Minimum Standards II: The Hazardous Materials component of the course must meet or exceed NFPA 472 Standard for Competence of Responders to Hazardous Materials/Weapons of Mass Destruction for Operations. The course will present ICS-200 and ICS-800, Healthy Lifestyles, Basic Incident Reporting Requirements, Operate Communications Equipment, Evidence Protection, Rescue/Extrication, Fire Control Control/Live Fire, Structural Collapse, Search and Rescue, Ladders, Ventilation, Water Supply, Hose Handling, Fire Streams, Fire Detection/Alarms/Suppression, Flammable Gas Control, Engine Company Evolutions, Ladder Company Evolutions, Combined Evolutions, Air Monitoring, Emerging Issues, Firefighter Safety and Survival, Auto Extrication Awareness, Fire Safety Survey/Pre-Incident Survey, Fire Prevention/Public Education, Select/Maintain, Operate Electric Equipment, Active Shooter, health and Physical Fitness, and Testing. FFP-210 is 301 clock hours.